Aviso:Esta página se actualizará
continuamente a lo largo del curso.
This web page is not fully translated but following this icon, in each part there are some comments in (likely broken) English. The topics covered in each lecture are listed here. Here you can find a brief approximate dictionary Mechanics-Geometry. Important dates: January 15: deadline for the composition and last lecture. January 20: deadline for Sheet 3 and final exam (non-mandatory). |
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TemarioEl temario previsto, tomado de la guía docente es el siguiente:
Más detalles acerca del curso se pueden encontrar en la guía docente. El horario de las clases es de 16:00 a 17:30 martes y jueves en el aula 320 del módulo 17. Hay una página en el Departamento de Matemáticas para referencia general de las asignaturas de Máster. There is an English translation of the course contents in the guía docente if you need it. In each part of the course it is intended to use mechanics and other topics on Physics as motivation and to provide examples and applications. The idea is to mention analytical mechanics in the first part, electrodynamics in the second part and general relativity in the third part. No prior knowledge on Physics is assumed. The lectures are scheduled on Tuesday and Thrusday 16:00-17:30 in room 320 (Building 17, Science Faculty, Mathematics).] |
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ApuntesEl curso está en cierta medida reflejado en los apuntes Geometría Diferencial, con la salvedad de que allí se tratan también temas de geometría global y no se cubre la cohomología de De Rham, que sí está en Geometría IV 2008-2009. Los siguientes ficheros tratan algunos temas que están de alguna forma relacionados con la Física, especialmente con la mecánica. Son parte del curso. Prácticamente no requieren conocimientos previos no matemáticos.
Agradezco que se me comuniquen las posibles erratas. There are lecture notes in Spanish Geometría Diferencial. They do not cover De Rham cohomology that perhaps will be studied using Geometría IV 2008-2009. In the previous table there are some topics related to Physics. Again, no prior contact with Physics is assumed. A short bibliography in English was mentioned the first day. A long list is in the guía docente. My guess (I am not sure about it) is that mathematical written Spanish should not be impossible to follow with a reasonable training for western European students. |
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EjerciciosThe following sheets are home assignments that contribute to the grading.
The grades for officially enrolled students can be checked in the Moodle server after the home assignments are corrected. From time to time some non mandatory exercises will be proposed as extra activities.
Here you can read an extended version of the first non-mandatory exercise. |
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ExámenesLa calificación final provendrá de tres tipos de pruebas cuya contribución se indica a continuación:1) Hojas de problemas:
2) Examen final o actividades
extra: 30%.
3) Pequeños controles y
participación en clase: 20%
Más detalles acerca de las pruebas se darán en el curso. Las "actividades extra" del punto 2) se refieren a un pequeño trabajo. La temática es libre dentro de límites razonables. Se anunciarán las restricciones con respecto al formato. The grading is as follows: 1) Home assignments
2) Final exam or
extra activities 30%.
3) Quizzes, in-class exercises,
participation 20%
More details will be given along the course. "Extra activities" in 2) means a brief composition about a topic related to the course. The topic can be chosen freely up to reasonable restrictions. The limitations regarding the format will be announced. More details about grading: Naming H, E and C the grades corresponding to each part, the final mark is F = 0.5*H+0.3*E+0.2*C. H is (H1+H2+H3)/3 where Hn is the grade of the sheet n. E is max(Final exam, Composition). Note that neither the exam nor the composition is mandatory. The final examination is scheduled for January 20th. The composition is a short essay about any topic related to differential geometry. I recommend to ask me for confirmation after choosing the topic. The advisable length is 10-15 pages (double-spaced, 11pt or 12pt). The deadline is January 15th 2015. [The idea is choosing between Final exam and Composition but it is allowed to do both]. C You can get the full grade in this part attending regularly the lectures and solving at least a non-mandatory exercise. Some other sources of participation can be also counted. The contribution of other activities (e.g. non-mandatory exercises beyond the one counted in C) will be added to the final grade. |
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Content of the lecturesPart 1