
Connected power operations and simplicial Poincar\'e duality, with Anibal Medina-Mardones , (arxiv)

Cloning systems and action operads, with Javier Aramayona , Víctor Carmona and Javier Gutiérrez (arxiv)

A metric for the space of submanifolds of Galatius and Randal-Williams (arxiv)

The space of merging submanifolds in Rn (arxiv)

A note on hyperspaces and the compact-open topology (arxiv)


On the scanning map and the space of smooth projective hypersurfaces, with Angel Alonso , accepted in Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (2024) (arxiv)

An effective proof of the Cartan formula: Odd primes, with Anibal Medina-Mardones , accepted in Homology, Homotopy and Applications (2024) (arxiv)

Quantum annular homology and bigger Burnside categories , with Marithania Silvero and Sergio Garcia Rodrigo, Mediterr. J. Math. 21, 150 (2024). (arxiv)

Almost-extreme Khovanov spectra, with Marithania Silvero, Selecta Mathematica 27:95, 1-46 (2021) (arxiv)

Higher Steenrod squares for Khovanov homology, Advances in Mathematics 369, 107-153 (2020), (arxiv) [ Comment on the computation of the index in Higher Steenrod squares in Khovanov Homology]

Extreme Khovanov spectra, with Marithania Silvero, Revista Matemática iberoamericana 36 3, 661-670 (2020), (arxiv)

Weight decompositions of Thom spaces in rational homotopy theory, with Urtzi Buijs and Joana Cirici, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 15, 1-26 (2020), (arxiv)

Homological stability for spaces of embedded surfaces, with Oscar Randal-Williams, Geometry & Topology 21 (2017) 1387--1467 (arxiv)

On homological stability for configuration spaces in closed background manifolds, with Martin Palmer, Documenta Math. 20 (2015) 753--805 (arxiv)


Realisations of Khovanov spectra, at International Conference on Manifolds, Groups and Homotopy in Skye (2018) (pdf)

On homological stability for configuration spaces in closed background manifolds, at YTM in Copenhaguen (2014) (pdf)

Stable homology of spaces of embedded surfaces: Closed background manifolds at SYTM in Barcelona (2013) (pdf)

Homological stability for spaces of embedded surfaces, at UNED in Madrid (2013) (pdf in spanish)


Una métrica para el espacio de subvariedades de Galatius y Randal-Williams, at XX Encuentro de la Red Española de Topología in Madrid (2013) (poster)

Estabilidad homológica para espacios de superficies, at XVIII Encuentro de la Red Española de Topología in Sevilla (2011) (poster)


TDA course RET online (2024)

MCHAGTAF2024 in Miraflores de la Sierra (2024)

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