Seminario de Análisis y Aplicaciones UAM-ICMAT 2020
4 de Diciembre de 2020, 11:00 : ONLINE - URL Léonard Cadilhac, Université de Paris-Saclay
Symmetric Spaces and Noncommutative Khinchin InequalitiesPDF,
Since their discovery three decades ago, noncommutative Khinchin inequalities
have been paramount to the development of quantum analysis. Their
possible generalisations have been studied in various directions and we will be
interested in investigating their validity/formulation in general symmetric spaces.
Those are function spaces for which the norm only depends on the distribution of
functions. They generalise \(L^p\)-spaces and can be easily considered in
the noncommutative framework. We will present a complete characterisation
of symmetric spaces in which the noncommutative Khinchin inequalities hold,
which will lead us to revisit a branch of interpolation theory developed in the
70's and the 80's.
Composition by a bi-Lipschitz measure-preserving map on the one-parameter
BMO space has been applied to study the Euler equation with a BMO-type
vorticity. We would like to discuss the same problem in the setting of
biparameter BMO space in \(\mathbb{R}^2\). We will focus on composing by a
rotation on the biparameter BMO space. This BMO space is not preserved by a
rotation since it relies on the structure of axis-parallel rectangles.
We will quantify this fact by interpolation inequalities. One straightforward
application of the interpolation inequalities is a boundedness property of
directional Hilbert transforms.
20 de Noviembre de 2020, 16:00 : ONLINE - URL David Beltran, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Variation bounds for spherical averagesPDF,
Variational estimates are refinements of maximal function estimates, in which
the \(\ell^\infty\) norm is replaced by a larger \(V^r\) norm, \(1 \leq r \leq \infty\).
In 2008, Jones, Seeger and Wright proved that the r-variation operator associated to the spherical
averages \(\{f \ast \sigma_t \}_{t>0}\) is bounded on \(L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)\) if
\(d/(d − 1) < p \leq 2d\) and \(r > 2\) or \(p > 2d\) and \(r > p/d\), and this is sharp except for
the endpoint case \(r = p/d\), which remains open. In this talk I will present
\(L^p(\mathbb{R}^d) \to L^q(\mathbb{R}^d) \) bounds for the
local r-variation operator, that is, the associated with \(\{f \ast \sigma_t \}_{1\leq t \leq 2}\).
The bounds are sharp up to endpoints (except in dimension 3), and some positive results
also hold in some endpoints cases. In particular, it can be established the interesting endpoint
bound \(L^{q/d}(\mathbb{R}^d) \to L^q(\mathbb{R}^d) \) for \(r = q/d\), \(q > (d^2 + 1)/(d − 1)\) if
\(d \geq 3\). Our results imply associated sparse domination and weighted inequalities. This
is joint work with Richard Oberlin, Luz Roncal, Andreas Seeger and Betsy Stovall.
13 de Noviembre de 2020, 11:30 : ONLINE - URL Bruno Poggi Cevallos, Universidad de Minnesota
Teoría de \(A_\infty\) para medidas elípticas y perturbaciones de Carleson generalizadas para operadores el$iacute;pticos en dominios con fronteras irregularesPDF,
Presentaremos perturbaciones Carleson para operadores elípticos en dominios en que existe una
teoría robusta de las EDP elípticas. Tales dominios incluyen, en particular,
(a) los dominios 1-sided NTA que satisfacen la capacity density condition (previamente estudiado en
[Akman-Hofmann-Martell-Toro]), (b) dominios con fronteras de dimensión baja y Ahlfors-David regular, y
(c) ciertos dominios con fronteras con piezas de distintas dimensiones.
Nuestras perturbaciones de Carleson son generalizadas en el sentido de que, además
de las clásicas perturbaciones aditivas, permitimos tomar perturbaciones multiplicativas escalares,
las cuales admiten diferencias no triviales en la frontera entre la matriz perturbada y la matriz original.
Finalmente, investigamos corolarios de nuestras técnicas, con implicaciones a problemas de la frontera libre
y a una caracterización de \(A_\infty\) entre medidas elípticas. Es trabajo conjunto con Joseph Feneuil.
6 de Noviembre de 2020, 11:30 : ONLINE - URL XXXII Memorial Rubio de Francia.Poster Carlos Pérez Moreno, Universidad del País Vasco y BCAM
Fractional Poincaré inequalities through Harmonic AnalysisPDF,
In this expository lecture we will discuss some recent results concerning fractional Poincaré
and Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities with weights, the degeneracy.
These results improve some well known estimates due to Fabes-Kenig-Serapioni from the 80’s in connection
with the local regularity of solutions of degenerate elliptic equations and also some more recent results
by Bourgain-Brezis-Minorescu. Our approach is different from the usual ones and it is based
on methods that come from Harmonic Analysis and one of them is the extrapolation theorem
of José Luis Rubio de Francia.
9 de Octubre de 2020, 11:30 : ONLINE - URL Pavel Zorin-Kranich, University of Bonn
Bilinear proof of the decoupling theorem for the moment curvePDF,
The decoupling theorem for the moment curve, due to Bourgain, Demeter, and Guth,
implies the Vinogradov mean value theorem with the sharp exponent.
I will present a bilinear proof of this result that avoids Brascamp-Lieb inequalities.
Joint work with S. Guo, Z. Li, and P.L. Yung.
19 de Junio de 2020, 11:30 : ONLINE - URL Yonatan Gutman, Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN)
Nilspaces in ergodic theory and topological dynamicsPDF,
The category of nilspaces was introduced around 2010 by Antolin Camarena and Szegedy.
It was originally conceived as a tool in additive combinatorics, specifically for generalizations
of Szemerédi's theorem. The strength of the concept lies in its remarkable structure theory:
while by definition nilspaces are compact spaces \(X\) together with closed collections of "cubes"
\(C^n(X) \subset X^{2^n} , n = 1, 2, \dots\) verifying some topological axioms, under suitable
assumptions a nilspace may be represented as an inverse limit of (smooth) nilmanifolds.
In recent years some exciting application of nilspaces have been found in topological dynamics
(maximal nilfactors) and ergodic theory (convergence of multiple ergodic averages). In the talk
we will discuss some of the key results in this direction. Based on joint works with Eli Glasner,
Bingbing Liang, Zhengxing Lian, Freddie Manners, Péter Varjú and XiangDong Ye.
11 de Junio de 2020, 18:00 : ONLINE - URL José Madrid, University of California - Los Angeles
Sharp bounds for maximal operators on finite graphsPDF,
In this talk we will discuss the regularity properties of the Hardy-Littlewood
maximal operator on finite graphs, this was originally studied by Soria and Tradacete
in 2014, they obtained some optimal bounds for \(0 < p \leq 1\). Recentely,
in a joint work with Gonzalez-Riquelme we obtained some optimal results for
\(p = 2\). Moreover we obtained some optimal results for the \(p\)-variation of the
maximal operator for \(p \geq 1/2\) in the case of the star graph and for \(p > \ln 4/\ln 6\)
in the case of the complete graph. We will also discuss what are the extremizers
in the situations described, and some interesting open questions.
26 de Mayo de 2020, 15:30 : ONLINE - URL Guillermo Rey, Wing
Another counterexample to Zygmund’s conjecture in differentiation of integralsPDF,
We present a simple dyadic construction that yields a new counterexample
to Zygmund’s conjecture. Our result recovers F. Soria’s classical results in
dimension three and four, through a different construction, and gives new ones in all
other dimensions.
22 de Mayo de 2020, 11:30 : ONLINE - URL Pablo Berná, Universidad CEU San Pablo
¿Podemos ser avariciosos en espacios quasi-Banach?PDF,
Desde el año 1999, la teoría de aproximación avariciosa (o greedy) se ha
desarrollado en el contexto de espacios de Banach, aunque algunos autores
han dado por hecho en el mundo quasi-Banach ciertos resultados que se
tenían en el caso Banach. La intención de esta charla es analizar si es trivial
o no la extensión del mundo de bases greedy en espacios de Banach al caso
quasi-Banach. Además, daremos algunos resultados que estamos desarrollando
sobre espacios de aproximación con pesos generales en combinación
con las llamadas bases semi-greedy. Los resultados que mostraremos forman
parte de dos trabajos conjuntos con F. Albiac, J. L. Ansorena, E. Hernández y
P. Wojtaszczyk.
4 de Mayo de 2020, 12:00 : ONLINE - URL Glenier Bello, UAM-ICMAT
Models of linear operators satisfying operator inequalities.PDF,
A general spectral theory of a linear operator does not exist, it only exists for
particular subclasses of operators. One of the most celebrated theories of this
type is the Nagy-Foiaş spectral theory of Hilbert space contractions, obtained
in the 1960ies. It is based on the construction of a functional model, which
heavily relies on certain chapters of Complex Analysis, such as the theory of
Hardy spaces.
Being a contraction on a Hilbert space is characterized by a very simple
operator inequality. In a landmark work of 1982, Agler showed how to pass
from some other operator inequalities to a functional model of an operator
by applying more general reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces instead of Hardy
spaces. This work motivated an extensive research, which has become a rapidly
growing branch of Operator Theory.
I will explain how to construct an explicit functional model for an operator
satisfying a rather general operator inequality, and discuss the uniqueness of
this model. Some spectral consequences in the spirit of the Nagy-Foiaş theory
will be derived. I will also explain a new connection with the ergodic theory of
linear operators.
6 de Marzo de 2020, 11:30 : Módulo 17, Aula 520, Depto. Matemáticas UAM
María Jesús Carro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Solving problems in ergodic theory via restricted weak type extrapolation.PDF,
The main goal of this talk is to present several applications in the setting
of ergodic theory related with the Return Time Theorem of Bourgain via of an
extension of Rubio de Francia extrapolation theorem in the setting of weighted
restricted weak type inequalities.
28 de Febrero de 2020, 11:30 : Módulo 17, Aula 520, Depto. Matemáticas UAM
Ivana Slamić, University of Rijeka
Maximal cyclic subspaces for dual integrable representations.PDF,
Consider a countable discrete group acting on a separable Hilbert space
via unitary represenation. If such representation is dual integrable, then the
structure of the invariant subspaces and various properties of orbits can be
analyzed using the corresponding bracket map. As a special case, we obtain
systems of integer translates of a square integrable function. The properties of
these systems have been extensively studied and among the known results is
the fact that such system is \(\ell^2\) -linearly independent precisely when the
periodization function is positive a.e. On the other hand, this condition is
equivalent to maximality of the principal shift-invariant subspace which the system
generates. Characterization of other levels of linear independence is, in most cases,
still an open problem in general, however, we know that the equivalence with
maximality no longer holds if we replace \(\ell^2\) with \(\ell^p\)-linear independence, for
\(p\neq 2\). In this talk, after briefly recalling the main results and questions
concerning this topic, we shall focus on several questions related with maximal cyclic
subspaces for the previously described group setting, which are the part of a
recent research in collaboration with H. Šikić.
21 de Febrero de 2020, 11:30 : Aula Naranja, ICMAT
Pedro Tradacete, ICMAT
Strictly singular operators between \(L^p\) spaces.PDF,
Recall that an operator between Banach spaces is strictly singular provided
it is not invertible when restricted to any (closed) infinite dimensional subspace.
The class of strictly singular operators forms a closed two-sided operator ideal,
containing compact operators, and was introduced by T. Kato in connection
with the perturbation theory of Fredholm operators. In this talk we will focus on
the interpolation properties of this class of operators acting between different
\(L^p\) spaces, and the structure of strictly singular non-compact operators. In
particular, by means of Riesz potential operators acting between measure spaces
of different Hausdorff dimension, we will see that the set of pairs \((1/p,1/q)\)
such that an operator is strictly singular but not compact from \(L^p\) to \(L^q\)
can contain a line segment of any positive slope.
The talk is based on joint work with F. L. Hernández and E. M. Semenov.
14 de Febrero de 2020, 11:30 : Módulo 17, Aula 520, Depto. Matemáticas UAM
Diana Carbajal, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Diagonalization of Shift-Preserving Operators.PDF,
In this talk we discuss the structure of bounded shift-preserving operatorsacting on shift-invariant spaces of
\(L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)\). For this, we work with an isometry called fiberization map and study the properties that
the correspondent range function and range operator induce. We introduce a new notion of diagonalization for
these operators which we call s-diagonalization and give a generalized Spectral Theorem for normal
shift-preserving operators. Finally, we apply these results to a dynamical sampling problem.
This work is in collaboration with A. Aguilera, C. Cabrelli and V. Paternostro.
31 de Enero de 2020, 11:30 : Módulo 17, Aula 520, Depto. Matemáticas UAM
Fernando Gómez Cubillo, Universidad de Valladolid
On covariant frames and coherent states.PDF,
Covariant frames and coherent states associated with unitary
representations of locally compact groups are of interest in signal theory and
mathematical physics. The talk introduces these concepts in harmonic analysis and their
relationship with convolution Hilbert algebras and weights on the group von
Neumann algebras.
24 de Enero de 2020, 11:30 : Módulo 17, Aula 520, Depto. Matemáticas UAM
Alex Amenta, Universität Bonn
Vector-valued time-frequency analysis and the bilinear Hilbert transform.PDF,
The bilinear Hilbert transform is a bilinear singular integral operator (or
Fourier multiplier) which is invariant not only under translations and dilations, but
also under modulations. This additional symmetry turns out to make proving \(L^p\) -
bounds especially difficult. I will give an overview of how time-frequency
analysis is used in proving these \(L^p\)-bounds, with focus on the recently-understood
setting of functions valued in UMD Banach spaces.
17 de Enero de 2020, 11:30 : Aula Naranja, ICMAT
Oscar Domínguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
New estimates for maximal functions.PDF,
Maximal functions play a central role in the study of differentiation, singular
integrals and almost everywhere convergence. With Sergey Tikhonov (ICREA)
we recently proved some pointwise estimates for maximal functions in terms
of smoothness and rearrangements. I plan to discuss the recent progress on
these topics and some applications. In particular, I will discuss the
Fefferman-Stein inequality for the sharp maximal function for r.i. spaces which
are close to \(L^\infty\) .