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Seminario teoría de grupos UAM-ICMAT

Seminario teoría de grupos UAM-ICMAT

Miercoles 20 de Noviembre, 12:30, Aula 520, Modulo 17, Ciencias, UAM

Nate Fisher (Tufts University)

Title: The Heisenberg group, sub-Finsler metrics, and the horofunction boundary

Abstract: In 1983, Pansu showed that the asymptotic cone of a finitely generated nilpotent group is a nilpotent Lie group with a left-invariant Carnot-Carthéodory metric. In this talk, we will explore this class of metrics on the real Heisenberg group which appear as the asymptotic cones of the integer Heisenberg group with different generating sets. In particular,we will study their horofunction boundaries and discuss what the horofunction boundary can be used for. This is joint work with Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo.

Localización Miercoles 20 de Noviembre, 12:30, Aula 520, Modulo 17, Ciencias, UAM