Difusión no lineal en Madrid
Seminario conjunto de las universidades: UAM, UC3M, UCM, UPM y URJC
Prof. Taehun Lee
Seoul National University
"Gauss flow with an obstacle"
Jueves 16 de noviembre, 12:30, Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas,
aula C-17-520, U.Autónoma de Madrid
Resumen: In this talk, we are going to consider the obstacle problem for the Gauss curvature flow with an exponent α, where α=1 and the dimension n=2, or α is less than 1/n and any dimension. This flow describes the deformation of a strictly convex compact hypersurface in Euclidean space which is worn down by collision from any random angle, enclosing a smooth strictly convex obstacle where the erosion will be stopped. We proved existence and a uniform estimate for the principal curvature. Our proof is based on a singular perturbation argument, namely the penalized problem. This is a joint work with Ki-Ahm Lee.
Organizado por los proyectos: MTM2014-52240-P, MTM2014-53037-P y la Ayuda para Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016 de la Fundación BBVA
Comité organizador: Matteo Bonforte, Mar González, Arturo de Pablo y Fernando Quirós