Publication record since 2014
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Durán, and R. Granero-Belinchón.
Derivation and well-posedness for asymptotic models of cold plasmas.
Nonlinear Anal., 244:Paper No. 113539, 18, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and R. Granero-Belinchón.
Well-posedness and decay for a nonlinear propagation wave model in
atmospheric flows.
Phys. D, 469:Paper No. 134323, 6, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and R. Granero-Belinchón.
Well-posedness for an hyperbolic-hyperbolic-elliptic system
describing cold plasmas.
Appl. Math. Lett., 147:Paper No. 108863, 6, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and J. J. L. Velázquez.
On the Grad-Rubin boundary value problem for the two-dimensional
magneto-hydrostatic equations.
Math. Ann., 388(3):2387-2472, 2024.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and B. Szegedy.
On {F_2^\omega}-affine-exchangeable probability measures.
Studia Math., 279(1):1-69, 2024.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
Correlation and lower bounds of arithmetic expressions.
Acta Arith., 214:257-269, 2024.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and F. de~la Hoz.
Regular polygonal vortex filament evolution and exponential sums.
Acta Appl. Math., 194:Paper No. 8, 8, 2024.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and D. Raboso.
Digits, primes and, of course, pi.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 131(8):718-721, 2024.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and O. P. Santillán.
Exact quantum revivals for the Dirac equation.
Phys. Rev. A, 109(2):Paper No. 022231, 12, 2024.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and A. Ubis.
Ampère's law and vector calculus.
Math. Mag., 97(4):406-408, 2024.
- A. Córdoba.
Creating the void.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 27(2):312, 2024.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba.
Suprematism in Harmonic Analysis, volume 356 of {\em
Progress in Mathematics}.
Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Kunszenti-Kovács, L. Lovász, and B. Szegedy.
Random homomorphisms into the orthogonality graph.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 167:392-444, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Kunszenti-Kovács, L. Lovász, and B. Szegedy.
Subgraph densities in Markov spaces.
Adv. Math., 437:Paper No. 109414, 67, 2024.
- [LINK] Á. D. Martínez.
{C^{1,1-\varepsilon }} isometric embeddings.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 377(8):5411-5444, 2024.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, F. Chamizo, Á. D. Martínez, and Albert Mas.
Pointwise monotonicity of heat kernels.
Rev. Mat. Complut., 36(1):207-220, 2023.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and Á. D. Martínez.
On the blow up of a non-local transport equation in compact
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(2):723-735, 2023.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and B. Szegedy.
On higher-order Fourier analysis in characteristic {p}.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 43(12):3971-4040, 2023.
- [LINK] P. Candela and B. Szegedy.
N.pace factors for general uniformity seminorms, cubic
exchangeability and limits.
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 287(1425):v+101, 2023.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and B. Martin.
The approximate functional equation of some Diophantine series.
Monatsh. Math., 202(1):41-52, 2023.
- F. Chamizo and O. P. Santillán.
About the quantum Talbot effect on the sphere.
J. Phys. A, 56(25):Paper No. 255302, 20, 2023.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and O. P. Santillán.
Current induction and macroscopic forces for superconducting strings.
Phys. Rev. D, 107(7):Paper No. 075015, 21, 2023.
- [LINK] P. Csikvári and B. Szegedy.
On Sidorenko's conjecture for determinants and Gaussian Markov
random fields.
Random Structures Algorithms, 62(2):335-375, 2023.
- H. Helfgott and A. Ubis.
Primes, parity and analysis.
Publ. Mat. Urug., 18:205-283, 2023.
- [LINK] Á. D. Martínez.
Córdoba's differentiation theorem: revisited.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 73(2):559-565, 2023.
- [LINK] Á. D. Martínez and F. Torres de Lizaur.
Sign equidistribution of Legendre polynomials.
Anal. Math. Phys., 13(4):Paper No. 59, 10, 2023.
- [LINK] Ana P\'{e}rez, Mercedes Prieto-Alaiz, F. Chamizo, Eckhard Liebscher, and
M. Úbeda Flores.
Nonparametric estimation of the multivariate Spearman's footrule: a
further discussion.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 467:Paper No. 108489, 32, 2023.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and R. Granero-Belinchón.
Global existence and decay of the inhomogeneous Muskat problem with
Lipschitz initial data.
Nonlinearity, 35(9):4749-4778, 2022.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, Y. Miao, and H. Tang.
Global existence, blow-up and stability for a stochastic transport
equation with non-local velocity.
J. Differential Equations, 335:244-293, 2022.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and J. J. L. Velázquez.
Boundary value problems for two dimensional steady incompressible
J. Differential Equations, 307:211-249, 2022.
- [LINK] A. Backhausz, C. Bordenave, and B. Szegedy.
Typicality and entropy of processes on infinite trees.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar\'{e} Probab. Stat., 58(4):1959-1980,
- [LINK] A. Backhausz and B. Szegedy.
Action convergence of operators and graphs.
Canad. J. Math., 74(1):72-121, 2022.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and B. Szegedy.
A refinement of Cauchy-Schwarz complexity.
European J. Combin., 106:Paper No. 103592, 13, 2022.
- [LINK] P. Candela and B. Szegedy.
Regularity and inverse theorems for uniformity norms on compact
abelian groups and nilmanifolds.
J. Reine Angew. Math., 789:1-42, 2022.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
The additive problem for the number of representations as a sum of
two squares.
Mediterr. J. Math., 19(1):Paper No. 44, 17, 2022.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
The Amitsur-Levitzki identity.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 25(1):148, 2022.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
A simple evaluation of a theta value, the Kronecker limit formula
and a formula of Ramanujan.
Ramanujan J., 59(3):947-954, 2022.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and J. Jiménez-Urroz.
Extendable orthogonal sets of integral vectors.
Res. Math. Sci., 9(4):Paper No. 59, 13, 2022.
- [LINK] Á. D. Martínez and F. Torres~de Lizaur.
Distribution symmetry of toral eigenfunctions.
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 38(4):1371-1382, 2022.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán.
Asymptotic shallow models arising in magnetohydrodynamics.
Water Waves, 3(2):371-398, 2021.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, C. Rohde, and H. Tang.
A local-in-time theory for singular SDEs with applications to
fluid models with transport noise.
J. Nonlinear Sci., 31(6):Paper No. 98, 55, 2021.
- [LINK] A. Bostan, F. Chamizo, and M. P. Sundqvist.
On an integral identity.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 128(8):737-743, 2021.
- [LINK] P. Candela, C. Catalá, R. Hancock, A. Kabela, D. Král', A. Lamaison, and
L. Vena.
Coloring graphs by translates in the circle.
European J. Combin., 96:Paper No. 103346, 18, 2021.
- [LINK] P. Candela, C. Catalá, J. Rué, and O. Serra.
On Motzkin's Problem in the Circle Group.
Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova, 314(Analiticheskaya i Kombinatornaya
Teoriya Chisel):49-70, 2021.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and D. J. Grynkiewicz.
On sets with small sumset and m-sum-free sets in Z/pZ.
Bull. Soc. Math. France, 149(1):155-177, 2021.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
A result from Kubilyus and Linnik.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 24(1):146, 2021.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo, J. Fernández-Sánchez, and M. Úbeda Flores.
Construction of copulas with hairpin support.
Mediterr. J. Math., 18(4):Paper No. 155, 19, 2021.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and J. Jiménez Urroz.
Primes represented by quadratic polynomials via exceptional
Arch. Math. (Basel), 117(2):147-154, 2021.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and B. Martin.
The convergence of certain Diophantine series.
J. Number Theory, 229:179-198, 2021.
- [LINK] A. Farina and J. Ocáriz.
Splitting theorems on complete Riemannian manifolds with
nonnegative Ricci curvature.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 41(4):1929-1937, 2021.
- [LINK] Á. D. Martínez and D. Spector.
An improvement to the John-Nirenberg inequality for functions in
critical Sobolev spaces.
Adv. Nonlinear Anal., 10(1):877-894, 2021.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and A. Bethencourt de León.
On the well-posedness of stochastic Boussinesq equations with
transport noise.
J. Nonlinear Sci., 30(1):175-224, 2020.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Bethencourt de León, D. D. Holm, and S. Takao.
Modelling the climate and weather of a 2D Lagrangian-averaged
Euler-Boussinesq equation with transport noise.
J. Stat. Phys., 179(5-6):1267-1303, 2020.
- [LINK] O. Bakas, E. Latorre, D. C. Rincón M., and J. Wright.
A class of multiparameter oscillatory singular integral operators:
endpoint Hardy space bounds.
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 36(2):611-639, 2020.
- [LINK] P.-Y. Bienvenu, D. González-Sánchez, and Á. D. Martínez.
A note on the bilinear Bogolyubov theorem: transverse and bilinear
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148(1):23-31, 2020.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and B. Szegedy.
On nilspace systems and their morphisms.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 40(11):3015-3029, 2020.
- [LINK] P. Candela, O. Serra, and Christoph Spiegel.
A step beyond Freiman's theorem for set addition modulo a prime.
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 32(1):275-289, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
Sumando de la W a la Z.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 23(1):163-175, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo, A. Córdoba, and A. Ubis.
Fourier series in BMO with number theoretical implications.
Math. Ann., 376(1-2):457-473, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo, E. A. Gallardo-Gutiérrez, M. Monsalve-López, and A. Ubis.
Invariant subspaces for Bishop operators and beyond.
Adv. Math., 375:107365, 25, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and J. Granados.
A short proof of a sharp Weyl law for the special orthogonal group.
J. Spectr. Theory, 10(1):311-322, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and R. J. Miatello.
Sums of squares in real quadratic fields and Hilbert modular
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 52(1):244-259, 2020.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and C. Pastor.
Lattice points in bodies of revolution II.
Math. Nachr., 293(6):1074-1083, 2020.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, O. Serra, and M. Wötzel.
Sidon set systems.
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 36(5):1527-1548, 2020.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba and J. Ocáriz.
A note on generalized Laplacians and minimal surfaces.
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 52(1):153-157, 2020.
- [LINK] J.-M. Deshouillers and A. Ubis.
Integral points on convex curves.
Ramanujan J., 53(2):399-422, 2020.
- [LINK] D. Di Benedetto, M. Z. Garaev, V. C. Garcia, D. Gonzalez-Sanchez, I. E.
Shparlinski, and C. A. Trujillo.
New estimates for exponential sums over multiplicative subgroups and
intervals in prime fields.
J. Number Theory, 215:261-274, 2020.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán and A. Bethencourt de León.
Stability, well-posedness and blow-up criterion for the
incompressible slice model.
Phys. D, 392:99-118, 2019.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Bethencourt de León, and S. Takao.
The Burgers' equation with stochastic transport: shock formation,
local and global existence of smooth solutions.
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 26(6):Paper No.
57, 33, 2019.
- [LINK] P. Candela and A. De Roton.
On sets with small sumset in the circle.
Q. J. Math., 70(1):49-69, 2019.
- [LINK] P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and A. de Roton.
A Plünnecke-Ruzsa inequality in compact abelian groups.
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 35(7):2169-2186, 2019.
- P. Candela, D. González-Sánchez, and D. J. Grynkiewicz.
A step towards the 3k-4 conjecture in Z/pZ and an application to
m-sum-free sets.
Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.), 88(3):521-525, 2019.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
Morphisms and period matrices.
Linear Algebra Appl., 582:103-113, 2019.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and C. Pastor.
Lattice points in elliptic paraboloids.
Publ. Mat., 63(1):343-360, 2019.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, J. L. Fernández, and P. Fernández.
Visible lattice points in random walks.
European J. Combin., 75:92-112, 2019.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba.
Variations on the Möbius function.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 22(3):551-562, 2019.
- [LINK] C. Pastor.
On the regularity of fractional integrals of modular forms.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 372(2):829-857, 2019.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Córdoba, and Á. D. Martínez.
Continuity of weak solutions of the critical surface quasigeostrophic
equation on S^2.
Adv. Math., 328:264-299, 2018.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Córdoba, and Á. D. Martínez.
Global well-posedness of critical surface quasigeostrophic equation
on the sphere.
Adv. Math., 328:248-263, 2018.
- [LINK] D. Alonso-Orán, A. Córdoba, and Á. D. Martínez.
Integral representation for fractional Laplace-Beltrami
Adv. Math., 328:436-445, 2018.
- [LINK] P. Candela, J. Rué, and O. Serra.
Memorial to Javier Cilleruelo: a problem list.
Integers, 18:Paper No. A28, 9, 2018.
- [LINK] P. Candela and B. Szegedy.
A continuous model for systems of complexity 2 on simple abelian
J. Anal. Math., 135(2):437-471, 2018.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, F. Luca, and Lewis Baxter.
Every positive integer is a sum of three palindromes.
Math. Comp., 87(314):3023-3055, 2018.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and R. Tesoro.
On sets free of sumsets with summands of prescribed size.
Combinatorica, 38(3):511-546, 2018.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba, D. Córdoba, and F. Gancedo.
Uniqueness for SQG patch solutions.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 5:1-31, 2018.
- P. Candela.
Notes on compact nilspaces.
Discrete Anal., pages Paper No. 16, 57, 2017.
- P. Candela.
Notes on nilspaces: algebraic aspects.
Discrete Anal., pages Paper No. 15, 59, 2017.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and A. González-Arroyo.
Tachyonic instabilities in 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory and
its connection to number theory.
J. Phys. A, 50(26):265401, 17, 2017.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo, I. Petrykiewicz, and S. Ruiz-Cabello.
The Hölder exponent of some Fourier series.
J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 23(4):758-777, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
A greedy algorithm for B_h[g] sequences.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 150:323-327, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
Visible lattice points and the chromatic zeta function of a graph.
Acta Math. Hungar., 151(1):1-7, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and J.-M. Deshouillers.
Gaps in sumsets of s pseudo s-th powers.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 67(4):1725-1738, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and J. Guijarro-Ordóñez.
Ratio sets of random sets.
Ramanujan J., 43(2):327-345, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, A. Iosevich, B. Lund, O. Roche-Newton, and M. Rudnev.
Elementary methods for incidence problems in finite fields.
Acta Arith., 177(2):133-142, 2017.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and A. Zumalacárregui.
Saving the logarithmic factor in the error term estimates of some
congruence problems.
Math. Z., 286(1-2):545-558, 2017.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba and E. Latorre Crespo.
Radial multipliers and restriction to surfaces of the Fourier
transform in mixed-norm spaces.
Math. Z., 286(3-4):1479-1493, 2017.
- A. Córdoba, E. Stein, T. Tao, L. Nirenberg, J. J. Kohn, S.-Y. A. Chang, C. R.
Graham, D. Córdoba, B. Klartag, J. Fröhlich, L. Seco, and M. Weinstein.
Ad honorem Charles Fefferman.
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 64(11):1254-1273, 2017.
- [LINK] S. Seuret and A. Ubis.
Local L^2-regularity of Riemann's Fourier series.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 67(5):2237-2264, 2017.
- [LINK] Kh. Silleruelo, D. S. Ramana, and O. Ramare.
Quotients and products of zero-density subsets of the set of positive
Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova, 296(Analiticheskaya i Kombinatornaya
Teoriya Chisel):58-71, 2017.
English version published in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 2 96 (2017),
no. 1, 52-64.
- [LINK] A. Ubis.
Effective equidistribution of translates of large submanifolds in
semisimple homogeneous spaces.
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (18):5629-5666, 2017.
- [LINK] A. Avila and P. Candela.
Towers for commuting endomorphisms, and combinatorial applications.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 66(4):1529-1544, 2016.
- [LINK] P. Candela, B. Szegedy, and L. Vena.
On linear configurations in subsets of compact abelian groups, and
invariant measurable hypergraphs.
Ann. Comb., 20(3):487-524, 2016.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo.
Un teorema de Javier Cilleruelo.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 19(3):607-614, 2016.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
On product sets of rationals.
Int. J. Number Theory, 12(5):1415-1420, 2016.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, J.-M. Deshouillers, V. Lambert, and A. Plagne.
Additive properties of sequences of pseudo s-th powers.
Math. Z., 284(1-2):175-193, 2016.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and M. Z. Garaev.
The congruence x^x\equiv\lambda\pmod p.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 144(6):2411-2418, 2016.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and M. Z. Garaev.
Congruences involving product of intervals and sets with small
multiplicative doubling modulo a prime and applications.
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 160(3):477-494, 2016.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo, F. Luca, and A. Pizarro-Madariaga.
Carmichael numbers in the sequence (2^nk+1)_{n\geq 1}.
Math. Comp., 85(297):357-377, 2016.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba.
J. Cilleruelo: the art of telling.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 19(3):498-509, 2016.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba.
Singular integrals, maximal functions and Fourier restriction to
spheres: the disk multiplier revisited.
Adv. Math., 290:208-235, 2016.
- [LINK] P. Candela and H. A. Helfgott.
On the dimension of additive sets.
Acta Arith., 167(1):91-100, 2015.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and C. Pastor.
Rowland's sequence.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 18(2):300, 2015.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and D. Raboso.
Lattice points in the 3-dimensional torus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 429(2):733-743, 2015.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and D. Raboso.
On the Kuznetsov formula.
J. Funct. Anal., 268(4):869-886, 2015.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and D. Raboso.
Van der Corput method and optical illusions.
Indag. Math. (N.S.), 26(5):723-735, 2015.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
On Sidon sets and asymptotic bases.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 111(5):1206-1230, 2015.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
A series that converges to an irrational number.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 18(3):568, 2015.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and R. Tesoro.
Dense infinite B_h sequences.
Publ. Mat., 59(1):55-73, 2015.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba and Á. D. Martínez.
A pointwise inequality for fractional Laplacians.
Adv. Math., 280:79-85, 2015.
- [LINK] M. Noy, V. Ravelomanana, and J. Rué.
On the probability of planarity of a random graph near the critical
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 143(3):925-936, 2015.
- [LINK] D. Raboso.
When the modular world becomes non-holomorphic.
In Trends in number theory, volume 649 of Contemp. Math.,
pages 221-244. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015.
- [LINK] P. Sarnak and A. Ubis.
The horocycle flow at prime times.
J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 103(2):575-618, 2015.
- [LINK] P. Candela and O. Sisask.
Convergence results for systems of linear forms on cyclic groups and
periodic nilsequences.
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 28(2):786-810, 2014.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and D. Raboso.
Distributional properties of powers of matrices.
Czechoslovak Math. J., 64(139)(3):801-817, 2014.
- [LINK] F. Chamizo and A. Ubis.
Multifractal behavior of polynomial Fourier series.
Adv. Math., 250:1-34, 2014.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo.
Infinite Sidon sequences.
Adv. Math., 255:474-486, 2014.
- [LINK] J. Cilleruelo and C. Timmons.
k-fold Sidon sets.
Electron. J. Combin., 21(4):Paper 4.12, 9, 2014.
- [LINK] A. Córdoba and K. M. Rogers.
Weighted estimates for conic Fourier multipliers.
Math. Z., 278(1-2):431-440, 2014.