A nonconstant function

Somebody asked me about a funny boundary behavior of an analytic function and it turned out to be equivalent to prove that the 1-periodic function

\[ f(x)=\sum_{k\in\mathbb{Z}} \Big( \exp\big(-a^{2k+2x}\big) - \exp\big(-a^{2k+2x-1}\big) \Big)\]

is not a constant function for any \( a>1\). It is possible to fulfill a mathematical proof of this fact. For me it was surprising to check that it is difficult to disproof numerically that \(f\) is constant when \(a\) is not far apart from \(1\). For instance, for \(a=2\) we have (the graphs were generated with the code below):
\( a=2\)

We have clear oscillations for bigger values:
haar1 haar1
\( a=3\) and \( a=4\)

For some smaller values, plotting \( f-1/2\) we get:
haar1 haar1
haar1 haar1
\( a=1.9,\, 1.7,\, 1.5,\, 1.3\)

The important point to note is the \( y\)-axis scale. In the last case, \( a=1.3\), the width of the \( y\) range is less than \( 10^{-7}\). The proof suggests (but does not assures) that this width goes like \( \exp(-C/(a-1))\) with \( C \) a positive constant.

The code

This is the SAGE code for all the  images:

def mgraphe(a):
    lb = -10
    ub = -lb

    L = []

    for xx in srange(0,1+1/100,1/100):
        S = 0.0
        for k in srange(lb,ub+1):
            v = ( exp(-a^(2*k+2*xx)) - exp(-a^(2*k+2*xx-1))  ).n(digits=16)
            S += v
        L.append( (xx,S) )

    P = list_plot(L, plotjoined=True)
    P += point([(0,0)], size=0)
    return P

def mgraph(a):
    lb = -40
    ub = -lb

    L = []

    for xx in srange(0,1+1/100,1/100):
        S = 0.5
        for k in srange(lb,ub+1):
            v = ( exp(-a^(2*k+2*xx)) - exp(-a^(2*k+2*xx-1))  ).n(digits=70)
            S += v
        L.append( (xx,S) )

    c1 = ( exp(-a^(2*lb+2*0)) - exp(-a^(2*lb+2*0-1))   ).n(digits=70)
    c2 = ( exp(-a^(2*ub+2*0)) - exp(-a^(2*ub+2*0-1))   ).n(digits=70)
    c3 = ( max( item[1] for item in L )- min( item[1] for item in L )   ).n(digits=70)
    if c3 < 100*max(-c1,-c2): print 'DANGER'
    print '----------------'

    P = list_plot(L, plotjoined=True,  ticks=[0.2, c3/10])
    return P

P = mgraphe(4)

P = mgraphe(3)

P = mgraphe(2)
P = mgraph(1.3)
P = mgraph(1.5)
P = mgraph(1.7)
P = mgraph(1.9)