The Kuwahara filter

Sometimes one would like to have a selective blur not leaking the edges. This leads to difficult topological questions as a segmentation of the image into regions enclosed by not so well defined digitized curves. A cheap approach is the Kuwahara filter. Given a positive integer r, for each pixel we consider the squares of pixels of size 2r+1 containing it. For instance, for r=1 we have the 9 squares

/kuw_sq02 /kuw_sq12 /kuw_sq22
/kuw_sq01 /kuw_sq11 /kuw_sq21
/kuw_sq00 /kuw_sq10 /kuw_sq20

The Kuwahara filter assigns to the selected filter the average tone of the square having the smallest variance of tones. In this way if an edge is the boundary of two more or less uniform zones, each pixel would be typically averaged with those in its zone.

A use of this filter is reducing the effect of the Gaussian noise or in general of any noise of zero average. A secondary use of this filter is to produce a water painting effect. The squares in the Kuwahara filter give a tile structure that recalls brushstrokes. To my taste, this is visually more appealing than the main use.

The octave code below implements the filter and applies it to produce several examples.

Let us start considering an image affected with a Gaussian noise of standard deviation 0.01. Here we have the original and the noisy image:

sp2     kuwn_0

These are the results of applying the Kuwahara filter with different values of r:

kuwn_3     kuwn_4     kuwn_0
r=3     r=4     r=5


Now, let us see the water painting effect starting with the image

Original image

When we use the Kuwahara filter with r=2,3,4 the results are:






The code

This is the octave code to produce the examples of the application of the Kuwahara filter:

pkg load image

clear all

name = '../images/sp2.png'

% original image
ima = imread( name );
ima = im2double(ima);

sig = 0.01

% noisy image (gaussian noise)
ima = imnoise(ima,'gaussian',0, sig);

% kuwahara
for r = 3:5
  res = kuwa_f2( ima, r);

% water painting
name = '../images/bruch_r2_bw.jpg'
ima = imread( name );
ima = im2double(ima);

for r =2:4
  res = kuwa_f2( ima, r);

It calls to the function:

function res = kuwa_f2( ima, r)

  d = 2*r+1;

  % standard deviation
  S = stdfilt(ima,ones(d),'symmetric');
%  S = stdfilt(ima,ones(d),'replicate');
%  S = stdfilt(ima,ones(d));

  % mean
%  M = imfilter(ima,ones(d)/d^2,'same', 'conv','circular');
%  M = imfilter(ima,ones(d)/d^2,'same', 'conv','symmetric');
%  M = imfilter(ima,ones(d)/d^2,'same', 'conv','replicate');
  M = imfilter(ima,ones(d)/d^2,'same', 'conv','replicate');


  tdim = size(S,1) * size(S,2);

  LS = zeros(0, tdim); % empty matrix
  LM = zeros(0, tdim); % empty matrix

  id = tic();
  for ki = -r:r
    for kj = -r:r
  %    circshift(S,[ki kj])
      LS = [LS; reshape( circshift(S,[ki kj]), [1,tdim] ) ];
      LM = [LM; reshape( circshift(M,[ki kj]), [1,tdim] ) ];

  [temp, mindexes] = min(LS,[],1);

  res = LM( sub2ind(size(LS), mindexes ,1:tdim) );

  res = reshape( res, [size(S,1), size(S,2)] );


The squares to illustrate the idea under Kuwahara filter were plotted with the following SAGE code:
th = 3

def sgrid( po ):
  a, b = po[0], po[1]
  sq = point([po], size=0)
  for k in srange(4):
    sq += line([(a+k,b), (a+k,b+3)], thickness=th)
    sq += line([(a, b+k), (a+3,b+k)], thickness=th)
  return sq

for po in [(1,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,2), (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (2,0), (2,1)]:

  P = line( [ (0,0), (5,0), (5,5), (0,5), (0,0) ], thickness=1, linestyle='--' )
  P += polygon2d([ (2,2), (3,2), (3,3), (2,3) ])

  P += sgrid( po )

  name = '../images/kuw_sqxy.png'
  temp = name.replace('x',str(po[0]))
  temp = temp.replace('y',str(po[1]))
  print temp'./borri.eps')