About myself (summary of CV)

I am a Serbian-raised, US-educated, Spanish mathematician

Areas of expertise: Complex Analysis, Operator Theory

Professional degrees:

    B.Sci. (Mathematics): University of Belgrade, 1985

    M. Sci. (Mathematics): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1990

    Ph.D. (Mathematics): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1993 (Advisor: Peter L. Duren; initally also Allen L. Shields, 1988-89)


Current position: Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (since March of 2005)

Earlier positions:

    Fellow of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences and Teaching Assistant, University of Belgrade, 1985-87 (on leave of absence until end of contract in 1990-91) 

    Graduate Fellow and Teaching Assistant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1987-93

    Visiting Professor, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1993-94.

    Visiting Professor, UAM, 1994-1999.

    Postdoctoral Fellow of the Interministerial Commmittee for Science and Technology, UAM, 1999-2001.

    Type 3 Adjunct Professor (Profesor Asociado Tipo 3), UAM, 2001-04

    Tenured Instructor (Profesor Contratado Doctor), UAM, 2004-05

Research institutes:

    ICMAT, Madrid: Adjunct member 2008-2011.

    Mittag-Leffler Institute: visiting scholar, September-October 2011.


Research grants:

    Principal Investigator of several research grants in Spain since 2004. Last grant awarded (by MINECO): PID2019-106870GB-I00

    Collaborating researcher in the European grant "Harmonic and Complex Analysis and Its Applications (HCAA)" (2007-2012), European Science Foundation, PESC Programme, 05-PGM-016, led by A. Vasiliev and B. Gustafsson.

    Collaborating researcher in the grant "Concrete Spaces of Analytic Functions and Operator Theory" from Hellenic Foundation forResearch and Innovation (led by A. Siskakis)

    Member of the Steering Committee of the Spanish thematic network “Complex Variables and Operator Theory”, during more than 15 years and since its foundation in 2004.

Student advising:

    Ph.D. advisor of 5 doctoral theses defended at UAM: one in 2005, two in 2017, one in 2021, and one in 2022; another one in progress.

    Advisor for 5 DEA disserations (earlier 2-year pre-doctoral theses, 2002-2008) and 9 Master's theses (2009-2023, plus one more in progress) at UAM


    Mathematics Library Coordinator, UAM Mathematics Department, 2004 - 2009

    Master's Program Coordinator, UAM Mathematics Department, January 2014 - September 2018

    Member of the editorial committees of Matematicki Vesnik (since 1996), Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society (2009 - 2012), Journal of Function Spaces (2013 - 2016)

    Served as a referee for
nearly 70 international journals (including quick reviews for  J. Amer. Math. Soc. and Acta Math. Djursholm and detailed reviews for Adv. Math., Proc.London Math. Soc., Indiana Univ. Math. J., J. Anal. Math., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., and many others)