Short Talks


There will be four parallel sesions of Short Talks on Tuesday, June 22, and Thursday, June 24.

The schedule an titles are given below.


Tuesday, June 22

  Room A Room B Room C Room D
17:00 - 17:20 J. Bennet S. Atilgan D. Cruz-Uribe D. Ryabogin
17:30 - 17:50 L. Wisewell A. Comech P. Hagelstein S. Revesz
18:00 - 18:20 A. Nowak L. de Carli A. Miyachi R. Scotto
18:30 - 18:50 T. Martinez D. Maldonado S. Roudenko A. Meskhi
19:00 - 19:20 P. J. Miana A. L. Mazzucato D. Yakubovich E. Gatto


Thursday, June 24

  Room A Room B Room C Room D
15:45 - 16:05 B. Demange Y-K. Cho S. J. Ombrosi F. Galindo
16:15 - 16:35 A. Lerner S. Mayboroda A. Stokolos M. Maggioni
Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
17:00 - 17:20 J. M. Martell M. Dindos A. Benyi H. Render
17:30 - 17:50 J. Parcet A. Baklouti B. Shayya G. Curbera
18:00 - 18:20   O. El Fourchi I. Uriarte J. Ortega-Cerdý
18:30 - 18:50   S. K. Gupta   O. Dragicevich


Titles of  Short Talks

Last Name First Name

Title of Talk

Atilgan Shirin Asymptotic Formulas for Eigenvalues of the Multidimensional Schrodinger Operator
Baklouti Ali Some uncertainty principles and Harmonic analysis on nilpotent Lie groups
Bennett Jonathan Multilinear Restriction and Kakeya Problems
Benyi Arpad Bilinear Calderon-Vaillancourt-type theorems
Cho Yong-Kum Strichartz's Conjecture on Hardy-Sobolev Spaces
Comech Andrew Fourier integral operators with caustics
Cruz-Uribe David Extrapolation on variable L^p spaces
Curbera Guillermo Compactness of Sobolev imbeddings for rearrangement invariant norms
de Carli Laura Unique continuation for elliptic operators: a non-Carleman approach
Demange Bruno Uncertainty Principle linked to quadratic forms
Dindos Martin The stationary Navier-Stokes system in nonsmooth manifolds
Dragicevic Oliver Some recent estimates for the Ahlfors-Beurling operator
El Fourchi Omar Aspect of Harmonic analysis on Damek-Ricci space
Galindo FÈlix On the Wavelet Transform of Almost Periodic Functions
Gatto A. Eduardo Product Rule and Chain Rule Estimates for the Hajlasz Gradient on Doubling Metric Spaces
Gupta Sanjiv  Kumar Singularity  of Orbits in  Classical  Lie Algebras
Hagelstein Paul Orlicz Bounds for Operators of Restricted Weak Type
Lerner Andrei On modular inequalities in variable L^p spaces
Maggioni Mauro Multiresolution Analysis associated to diffusion semigroups: construction and fast algorithms
Maldonado Diego A constructive proof of Caffarelli's $C^{1,\alpha}$-regularity result for Monge-Ampere equations
Martell JosÈ MarÌa Second order elliptic operators and weighted norm inequalities
MartÌnez Teresa Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory for semigroups
Mayboroda Svitlana Elliptic boundary value problems on non-smooth domains with data in Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces
Mazzucato Anna L On the energy spectrum for weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
Meskhi Alexander Fractional integrals on nonhomogeneous spaces
Miana Pedro J. Bochner-Riesz Means of Well-Bounded and $C1$-Scalar Generators
Miyachi Akihiko Transplantation theorem for Jacobi series in weighted Hardy spaces
Nowak Adam Riesz transforms for Laguerre expansions
Ombrosi Sheldy Javier A dyadic  one-sided maximal function in dimension n
Ortega-Cerda Joaquim A geometric characterization of interpolation in $\widehat {\mathcal E}'(\mathbb R)$
Parcet Javier Non-commutative Khintchine type inequalities associated with free  groups
Render Hermann Polysplines -- A PDE approach to Multivariate Spline Analysis
Revesz Szilard Extremal problems for positive definite functions with given support
Roudenko Svetlana Overview of matrix-weighted Besov spaces
Ryabogin Dmitry Projections of convex bodies and the Fourier transform
Scotto Roberto Otras Transformadas de Riesz en el contexto del An·lisis ArmÛnico Gaussiano
Shayya Bassam A uniform Tomas-Stein restriction theorem for a class of surfaces in $R^3$
Stokolos Alexander On weak type inequalities for rare maximal functions in R^n
Uriarte Ignacio On Marcinkiewicz Integrals and Harmonic Measure
Wisewell Laura Oscillatory integrals and curved Kakeya sets