Seminario Kirby Calculus
Fecha: 15 de enero a las 14:30
Lugar: Aula 420, módulo 17, Facultad de Ciencias UAM
Ponente: Marithania Silvero
Título: Skein sequence and Khovanov homology: how to wisely choose the key crossing
Abstract: Khovanov homology is a link invariant which categorifies Jones polynomial. It admits a skein sequence (which, roughly speaking, categorifies the skein relation defining Kauffman bracket): this skein sequence relates the homology of a diagram D with the homology of $D_A$ and $D_B$, where $D_A$ (resp. $D_B$) represents the diagram obtained after performing an A (resp. B) smoothing to one of the crossings in D.
In this talk we will review the main properties of the skein sequence for Khovanov homology following Viro's approach, and present some examples on how to wisely choose a crossing in D in order to derive results on the Khovanov homology of several families of links.