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Seminario Teoría de Grupos

Seminario Teoría de Grupos 28/10/21

Aula Naranja (ICMAT)  
Hora: 10:30  

Speaker: Sahana Balasubramanya (U Munich)

Titulo: Actions of solvable groups on hyperbolic spaces
Abstract: (joint work with A.Rasmussen and C.Abbott) Recent papers of Balasubramanya and Abbott-Rasmussen have classified the hyperbolic actions of several families of classically studied solvable groups. A key tool for these investigations is the machinery of confining subsets of Caprace-Cornulier-Monod-Tessera. This machinery applies in particular to solvable groups with virtually cyclic abelianizations.

In this talk, I will explain how to extend this machinery to classify the hyperbolic actions of certain solvable groups with higher rank abelianizations. We apply this extension to classify the hyperbolic actions of a family of groups related to Baumslag-Solitar groups.

Location  Aula Naranja (ICMAT) Online: Hora: 10:30