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Online Analysis and PDE seminar (UAM-UC-UC3M-UCM-ICMAT-IMUS)

Online Analysis and PDE seminar (UAM-UC-UC3M-UCM-ICMAT-IMUS)

Conferenciante: Robin Neumayer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Fecha: Miércoles 12 de enero de 2022 - 15:00

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Resumen: Among all drum heads of a fixed area, a circular drum head produces the vibration of lowest frequency. The general dimensional analogue of this fact is the Faber-Krahn inequality, which states that balls have the smallest principal Dirichlet eigenvalue among subsets of Euclidean space with a fixed volume. I will discuss new quantitative stability results for the Faber-Krahn inequality on Euclidean space, the round sphere, and hyperbolic space, as well as an application to the Alt-Caffarelli-Friedman monotonicity formula used in free boundary problems. This is based on joint work with Mark Allen and Dennis Kriventsov..
Localización Fecha: Miércoles 12 de enero de 2022 - 15:00