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Seminario Ta de Números

Seminario Ta de Números


Title: Twisted differentials operators in several variables I

DATE & TIME: Lunes 27 de septiembre - 17:30


SPEAKER: Pierre Houedry (Universidad de Caen y Universidad de Rennes)

VENUE: Aula 520, Departamento de Matemáticas, UAM; y online, Teams (equipo del seminario de Teoría de Números, código: owfo832)

ABSTRACT: The theory of  q-difference equations appeared a long time ago with  Birkhoff's work. It is well understood in the complex setting. In 2004, Lucia Di Vizio and Yves André, in the paper q-differences and p-adic local monodromy, gave an equivalence between certain type of q-difference equations and a certain type of classical differential equations in the p-adic setting. Recently, Michel Gros,
Bernard Le Stum and Adolfo Quirós have been working on a generalization of this result not looking only for q-difference equations, but also twisted equations in general. The framework that they develop works for equations in one variable. The aim of my presentations is to give an overview of the work I am doing for my
PhD thesis, whose goal is to generalize those results to several variables.

Localización  DATE & TIME: Lunes 27 de septiembre - 17:30