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Seminar Nonlinear Di ffusion in Madrid


Seminar Nonlinear Di ffusion in Madrid

When: On 27/06/2019 at 11:30  (R. Ferreira) and 12:15 (A. Hyder)

Where: Room Aula 520 of the Mathematics Department of UAM.

Speakers and Titles

Raúl Ferreira de Pablo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Large solutions for non-local diffusion equations


Ali Hyder (12:15)
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Blow-up phenomena to a higher order Liouville equation

See the pdf in attach for further details.
Localización  When: On 27/06/2019 at 11:30 (R. Ferreira) and 12:15 (A. Hyder) Where: Room Aula 520 of the Mathematics Department of