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Seminario Teoría de grupos UAM-ICMAT

Seminario Teoría de grupos UAM-ICMAT

Miercoles 19 de diciembre a las 12:00, Aula Gris 1, ICMAT

Ponente: Diego Millan Berdasco (Queen Mary University of London)

Titulo: Some necessary conditions for decomposition numbers of Specht modules

Abstract: The most important open problem in the modular representation theory of the symmetric group $Sigma_n$ is finding the number and multiplicity of the composition factors of the Specht modules $S^{lambda}$. In characteristic 0 these $S^{lambda}$ are just the simple modules of $F{Sigma_n}$, but in positive characteristic they may no longer be irreducible. We will survey the rich interplay between representation theory and combinatorics of partitions with the goal to show how the latter help us to estimate composition factors for certain Specht modules.

Localización  Miercoles 19 de diciembre a las 12:00, Aula Gris 1, ICMAT